About Us

African leadership international is a non-partisan, non-profit making, non-governmental organization solely committed to the promotion and preservation of African legacy and cultural values, through effective intellectual engagement during seminal/workshops/conference to advance the course African development and progress, within the context of global development needs.

The consistent progression in human needs and complexity of the modern of the society has resulted to a corresponding need in value creation to provide the require synergy and support for all state apparatus, corporate organization and well respected individuals as to cushion the effect of such proportionate decrease in the continent value in the human system and need.

Our commitment, therefore, is to provide an equivalent value in human capacity development in Africa based on the following objectives;

  • Create the relevant synergy among Africa leaders and other stakeholders on issues of global importance and relevance
  • Develop a system of exchange of cultural values to achieve stronger economic and political ties
  • Fashion more during mechanism to uphold Africa legacy and cultural value orientation
  • Achieved improved cultural diplomacy for the development of Africa
  • Promote Africa interest in global affairs
  • Protect Africa from further depreciation of her value system, through the effects of wars and internal hostilities.
  • Increase Africa potentials in trade and industry.
  • Expand our scope of business network thereby making Africa investors destinations and commercial hub globally.
  • Executive leadership training
  • Peace and conflict resolution
  • Gender Equality
  • Good governance training for Africa leaders
  • Entrepreneurship development skills
  • Youth empowerment and job creation
  • World class education empowerment
  • World health infrastructure
  • Reliable energy and power infrastructures
  • Community and sustainable development

Our vision

  • To expand the frontiers of Africa business network and investment portfolios
  • Serve as a global commercial hub with a well-defined pattern of business transactions of contemporary relevance
  • Enable African to maintain her global relevance in trade and security among the comity of nations

Our mission

  • Provide the basis for sustainable development of the Africa continent
  • Ensure democratically accountable government in Africa
  • Harnessing the rich Africa natural potentials
  • Serve as an effective interactive platform for Africa development
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